Hi there fellow builders of worlds!
Here are the patch notes for the 6/8/2024 update for LoreMaster.io:
Additions & Improvements
- DC20 statblocks
- Daggerheart statblocks
- Added checkboxes for the Shadowrun Statblock
- New icons!
- Mobile changes:
- Made changes to the scroll bar on phone making it wide thus allowing easier scroll while not in session mode
- Made the button to Lock content / enter Session mode easier to access on phone – this might change depending on whether or not people like this new button position or find it intrusive – let us know what you think!
Bug fixes:
- Attempted fix for header underline rendition issue
- Node panel less intrusive in unexpanded form, better active tab indication
- Fixed various bugs regarding readonly / session mode and improved the function a bit
- Fixed wrongfully inverted colors on class invert with certain themes
love your work dude keep it up