Hi there fellow builders of worlds!
Here are the patch notes for the 7/5/2024 update for LoreMaster.io:
Additions & Improvements
- 5eTools
- Monster / NPC statblocks, spells, items, feats, deities, backgrounds, races, Class main body etc.
- Class page
- Archives of Nethys
- Creature statblocks, gear, items, spells, class details
- Basic class page support
- D&D Beyond
- Statblocks, gear, items, spells, class details
- Basic class page support
Known Issues:
This feature will be tweaked / improved with the next update – but we hope this will be useful to you in the current state! Happy building!
- PF2e action icons from Arhives of Nethys use a different font that we do, meaning some odd characters will spawn when pasting
- Some tables will overflow with no scroll bar on smaller screens, meaning you wont be able to see the content if they are too wide.