One of the core features of any worldbuilding process is, of course, creating a world map. A lot of people have troubles with this, especially without knowledge of the process. Of course, it can be done with image editing software, but this post will focus on more specific software.

Azgaar’s Fantasy Map Generator
Link – https://azgaar.github.io/Fantasy-Map-Generator/
Azgaar’s Fantasy Map Generator is a fantastic tool if you have a base concept for a world, but need some inspiration for how to shape your map! There are a TON of variables to adjust your map generation, and if you want, it can also generate political borders, biomes, cultures, languages, religions… Seriously, go check it out and play around with it!
Once you’ve used Azgaar’s Fantasy Map Generator to generate a base outline for your world, you might want to transform it into a more “classical” fantasy world map. For that, you could use one of the following tools…
Link – https://inkarnate.com/
Inkarnate is a fantastic online tool that you can use to both build world maps, but also go onto a smaller scale and build regional maps, town maps or even battlemaps! For the purpose of this specific guide though, we’re focusing on it’s world map-making capabilities. The picture above is an excellent example of what some of the SUPER talented artists on, for example, https://www.reddit.com/r/inkarnate/ can do with this software! The free version is a bit limited, but if you like it, the paid version is definitely worth it!
Link – https://www.wonderdraft.net/
Wonderdraft was probably the “original” of the popular map-making softwares, it’s certainly been around the longest of the ones I discuss in this post. It has a different style than Inkarnate, as is apparent, but in terms of functionality for making maps on a larger scale, it has roughly the same functionality. The above is an example of what can be achieved with the software.
There’s no free version, and the license costs $29.99. I haven’t tried it myself, but the community behind it swears by it, and the sister-software, Dungeondraft (battlemap-making software, which I have tried) is excellent, so I can only assume Wonderdraft is too!
azgaar cartography dungeondraft guide inkarnate loremaster map mapmaking wonderdraft worldbuilding
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